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Laure Philips

PhD Student @ Software Languages Lab, VUB

Coming soon..

I am a PhD-student at the Software Languages Lab, which is part of the Computer Science Department of the Faculty of Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. I am funded by a doctoral scholarship from the Flemish Institute for the Improvement of the Scientifical-Technological Research in the Industry (IWT).

Research Description

Keywords: Tierless Programming, Web Applications, Cloud-oriented programming, JavaScript

Tierless programming languages enable developing the typical server, client and database tiers of a web application as a single mono-linguistic program. This development style is in stark contrast to the current practice which requires combining multiple technologies and programming languages. A myriad of tierless programming languages has already been proposed, often featuring a JavaScript-like syntax. Instead of introducing yet another, we advocate that it should be possible to develop tierless web applications in existing general- purpose languages. This not only reduces the complexity that developers are exposed to, but also precludes the need for new development tools. We concretize this novel approach to tierless programming in our Stip.js tool.